over 70,000 translations in 7 languages of technical terms and jargon commonly used in motorsport
How best to allow people from different backgrounds to work and compete together in a single sports arena without coming up against the unavoidable barrier of language? Ever had difficulty reading that old foreign language manual or even a modern day website? If so, this book is for you.
RACING WORDS MOTORSPORT DICTIONARY is the most comprehensive translation tool developed for all those involved in the sphere of motor racing around the world. English (American and British), French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese translations are presented in an easy to use format that allows rapid cross correlation from language to language.
Thoroughly revised and updated, this modern dictionary covers the whole spectrum of vocabulary for every aspect of motor sport and its surrounding activities. Each term has been catalogued in its generic, technical and abbreviated form.
An index for each of the seven languages make it very easy to find any word you may require.
Much more than a simple technical dictionary, RACING WORDS will assist all its users to further share their common work and passion.
This is one publication that every foreign car and motor racing enthusiast should have in their reference library.
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22 chapters : engine . transmission . chassis . steering . suspension . brakes . wheels . tyres . electrics . general items . jobs . workshop . setup . racewear . regulations . race . media . travel . race track . hospitality . insurance . human body . |
70 Euros + post and packing